Women's Day Snowstorm!
A pretty bad one it was too - reminiscent to some of the March 4th 1971 "storm of the century" for those dweebs and dweebettes that took up residence past the 49th parallel (those old enough to remember - or to care.)
All that snow accumulation so far (400cm for the 400th anniversary of Québec City - aye, some do get what they deserve in this world!) and it is still not over yet!
The dweebs today thought it was something, this March 8th 2008 snowstorm - like it was something out of the apocalypse, eh? Not quite, dudes - I mean, dweebs! ;)
The 1971 storm left a whole lot more snow in its wake than THAT!
Now THAT was "o inferno do inverno" for ya!
Just caught, via satellite (sic) old-timers Roger Gosselin and Alexandre Dumas (no - he has no relation to THE Alexandre Dumas - his folks were just unimaginative oafs with a definite tendency towards usurpation and tasteless humor!) who were respectively at Télé-Métropole and Radiomutuel back then when the snowstorm hit - and THEY remember how much worse it was! "You couldn't walk on the streets," recalled a third first-hand witness who shot the footage on the snowed-in streets of a beleaguered Montreal - for they had NO EMERGENCY MEASURES planned for this sort of situation! In 1971!
It is beyond lethargic - it is totally and utterly (you guessed it) PATHETIC!
Gosselin, then "chef de pupitre à Télé-Métropole" was at work, so he couldn't do as all the other "Québécois pure laine" did then - but Dumas did admit to having done like the rest, and that is contbute to a mini baby boom as, nine months after the snowstorm, a flurry of babies were born... It's the only way little people like Quebeckers will procreate: when they're destabilized enough by the elements to forget the pill, condom and other contraceptive measures! With a decreasing population, and not even enough immigrants coming in to make up for the obvious lacks (so that their "system" works - it needs a minimum of workers paying taxes to keep things rolling and everything afloat, you know!) I would surmise that most of the governing bodies hope for MANY MORE SNOWSTORMS like the 1971 one - or this one today!
Anyhow - it was destined that this storm would coincide with the DIA INTERNACIONAL DA MULHER... La Journée Internationale de la Femme. The International Woman's Day! Some of them were courageous enough to go ahead with their planned outdoor activities to celebrate the occasion - including a manifestation, rally or whatever it was that required some walking along some main street while it snowed SOME - endlessly!
Now that sure takes guts, resilience, determination, to go ahead and just DO IT!
Ah - des femmes téméraires! Ou - des pitounes nounounes? Anyways...!
What were these chicks protesting anyway? Maybe they don't WANT to repeat the 1971 exploits AT ALL - what's the government to do with these rebellious bimbos then?!? There won't be any baby booms in nine months time if the damn hos are outside marching for pretty much no good reason at all - when they should be inside, procreating! Then again, it is just as well if there ISN'T another bunch of morons like those born in December 1971 EN MASSE...
In closing - I would be remiss if I didn't make mention of the picture that surfaced on the DAY itself... Picture this: it is Woman's Day and the ONE woman who eyes the daunting position of PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES is photographed by some Reuters bloke, all smiles, on a day that is actually another day of DEFEAT for her as her rival Barack Obama took the electoral votes decided that day, in Wyoming...
The picture depicts an Hilary that seems not to be worrying at all though, confident in her support from other places - maybe nether regions as it is...
Well they do say a picture is worth a thousand words - so take a peek yourselves! (Oops - just did and noticed the "reuters bloke" is actually a "blokette" - mea culpa! I jumped to conclusions too fast! Indeed, in hindsight, only another woman would enjoy photographing Hilary's smile ad nauseam, eh? But that is another story...)

US Democratic presidential candidate Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) smiles during a campaign rally in St. Clairsville, Ohio February 27, 2008. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton (UNITED STATES) US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION CAMPAIGN 2008 (USA)
Woman's Day would prove, then, only one thing - behind every great Woman there is a devil of a man?
(Granted, no need to tell me either - it didn't snow everywhere that day! It was cold as hell and it was hot as well, depending where on the damned globe the woman celebrating Woman's Day was! So, criticize something else - if you do - in the comments section! ;)
One final ascerbic commentary: they should have celebrated this day with a three-way (!) BATTLE ROYALE between TNA KNOCKOUTS, WWE (so-called) DIVAS and WDW PRINCESSES! *LMBO* What a stormy session THAT would've been! ;)