The Cattiness Of A Brick
As recently (*) reported on that ''shine on'' blog thing over at Yahoo, by one Sofi Papamarko, the strange case of the average-at-best Prettiest Woman who took it upon her scrawny (and oh-so-pretty) shoulders to denounce how mean women can be toward another woman who, well, might be prettier! That would be one Samantha Brick, intrepid journalist for The Daily Mail - online! Think Lois Lane of the fickle? (* = yeah; "recently" means, like, ten years ago! In 2012... yup!)

have to pour on the make-up now, show off that cleavage,
keep on accumulating those catcall points and, well, SHINE ON...!
All of them, yes, save one exception - Samantha Brick herself.
Mind you, Sam does have sexy legs. A very womanly voluptuousness. And that typical British smile that either scares or charms - depending which way the wind is blowing, that day.
Alas, to analyze (and overanalyze) the looks of the woman is definitely not what should be done here: but it is exactly what thousands have done upon reading said article meant to help the ''average pretty woman'' out there cope with unfair and outright mean treatment from other women. (Even lesbians? Impossible! Why would a lesbian treat someone she'd just as soon want to hop in bed with unfairly, at any point in time or at all...? It makes no sense!!! Unless she's in denial? That would be it: Brick met a lot of British lesbians in denial... Case solved. Thank you, Watson!)
The fact is that women can be extremely competitive with one another, indeed -
The most plausible theory of all came from one commenter who theorized that Miss Brick has a personality problem going there - but I doubt this bloke is a bonafide shrink, so... Shrinks suck anyways; the real ones, accredited and all, yes! Never go by what they say... I say!
Shine On might be in greater lethargy than Miss Brick there, though: a decade later, I wonder what happened to it, in fact...!!! (Surprised there's still a Yahoo, quite frankly!)
But it all depends, once again, on the point of view - for Shine On bloggers get paid to ''report'' this fluff: what do I get for having fun psychanalyzing it all here...? Nada. Zilch. Not a penny.
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