Friday, August 13, 2021


 NO - not that infernal show with a Sutherland...! 


Present in virtually every city in the world 
(lest we are confusing it with... Metro?) 
and - most attractively of all - FREE
Just like other (now defunct) rags I used to pick up 
and was so (understandably) reluctant to part ways with 
simply because they had been obtained... free of charge! 
It heightened the (sentimental) value instantly 
and I would, at the very least, making a parting shot 
with the cell - before dropping them into 
the good ol' recycling bin! 

NO - the, ah, attachment was never as great with "24H" 
as it was one of those "dailies" - one distributed for free, on top of that - 
meant to be quickly "consumed" as such: news updates... ads... 
latest sports results... more ads... some (crappy) humor... more ads! 
Commuters/casual readers/whoever picks one of these up 
are supposed to dispose of them quickly - that is, 
for the average, mediocre minds 
unable to appreciate a thing! 
NOT ME; I'm better than that! 

I always greatly appreciated that a bunch of peeps 
took the time to put together these dispatches... news briefs... 
so-called pieces of journalism and/or creative writing... 
somebody else took it upon themselves to print it all, 
neatly (sometimes) staple it together and then 
distribute it citywide - worldwide! 
All the way to the squad of paperboys 
who would then pass me a copy, on the fly... 


They had such nice articles, too...

I am happy to see someone (else!) took the time and effort 
to digitalize them - keep them, for posterity! 
(although only up until 2016 - what gives?!) 

Ah... si! Les bonzes de MHM ont dû tirer les ficelles 
afin de mettre un terme à cet exercice... tellement révélateur!

Bravo, 1001mags
(Don't know why you bother, however: 
they have their own "pressreader" salvaging 
going - have had it for years!)

So glad I shook off that lethargic phase of my life, though! 

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