Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Pestilence Mix - Anyone?

Some wise guy said that 
"the time has come for this song" - 
and, alas... it sounds like it has. 

There's none more lethargic than a Jonny demonic...! 

Of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, 
"Famine" looked like the meekest... 
Or so I used to think! 
Scholars debated that "War" and "Conquest" 
were redundant - while, me, I leaned 
toward thinking "Death" and "Pestilence" 
might be... one and the same, no? 
Ultimately, there are so many things 
that can lead this world to its ruin; 
a man-made plague (either accidentally 
-via sickening dietary habits in Wuhan- 
or purposefully - in a lab...) 
leads into another bane and another... 
the classic four. 
They all lead into the next one. 
As we do, contaminating one another.  
Dreadful domino effect. 
The End. 

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