Sunday, September 14, 2008

Man Changes Name To Be Able To Fly

Mario Labbé was victimized by IDENTITY THEFT - and now, he has to pay the price for it, over an over again! Because his name was used by a thief most likely associated to terrorism, each time he wants to board a plane, he has to submit himself to countless hours of detention and interrogation.

Well, he had to, that is - until he took drastic measures to rectify the sad situation; by changing his name! Imagine that: his own country's spineless attitude towards the commandeering U.S. gall has forced him to give in to the identity theft he was the victim of and find himself A NEW IDENTITY! So, Mario is now François Labbé (hmm - a nice change, all in all! Never mind the fat that it lacks originality quite a bit: but one doesn't want to attract attention with something too, hmm, shall we say... exotic? A run-of-the-mill Québécois name to replace a run-of-the-mill Québécois name: it does the job fine! One could truly say that all ends well here- eh? But that is... another story beside the point! And the point being, of course, that no one should have to go to this lengths in order to regain what was stolen from them in the first place! The identity thief must have had less hassles, through all this - sweet Lord - what is wrong with our so-called authorities?!?)

Only in Canada...

Are you on the no-fly list?
Fed up Canadian traveller wriggles his way off, after years of airport confrontations.
» How'd he do it?

Or maybe not - let's rather say inly in North America...

Even Senator Kennedy is on the list

No way to know the Canadians on it

Several Europeans would beg to differ from this point of view though - I can feel it...!
But that is another story and it shall be for another blog...!

Have a nice flight, now!
Bon Voyage - Sayonara!
(An in-joke, Mario/François will get, if only him - because each time he was halted at the airport and interrogated, JAPAN was always one of the questions asked - whether he'd been there recently and WHY... Canada is truly the only country in the world that will have ITS OWN PEOPLE go through hell due to their American neighbour's security worries... Or should we outright say insecurities - and inability to handle the threats from within...?)


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