time-awasting in front of the TV...
All that depth, all those characters, all that psychotronic / scientific jargon and mumbo-jumbo... And, in the end, the entire run of STAR TREK VOYAGER can be summed up in two minutes - with no dialogue - and with time to spare too! Sheesh...
No wonder Genevieve Bujold quit that turkey right away... Seven out of nine actresses with self-respect would have done likewise too (and, hopefully, none of them are Frenchies or Canadian - like G.B. is!)
Fact is, Voyager was not one iota original! Not only is it "just another trek" - it is just another bunch of voyagers too!
Developing lethargy is a given when one wastes time (indeed of the essence here) watching "retro junk" such as this - or "neo junk" too, mind you!
Really now - the best Voyagers are the spoof voyagers:
Or maybe even the fan fic fantasy ones...?
(Only hardcore fans of that crappy show will understand the following blurb about the preceding video: "a music video to the song by Gwen Stefani. Admiral Janeway has some words of advice for her younger self in her pursuit of Seven of Nine". Hmm... time travel is implied and some sort of hunting game is involved - am I correct?)
But if you REALLY want to enjoy the VOYAGE...
Go with BOMB VOYAGE - below
A fan wrote this about it: "From the Pink Panther Series. I thought this one might have been the impetus for one of the crooks in The Incredibles being named Bomb Voyage, but it's about little green men, so I don't get it if it is? :-)"
Well, since it ends up being a five-year run (watch until the end to "get it") I'd say this Inspector classic adventure inspired ST: V too!
To think that all this voyage(r) crap started with a search for a music video classic from FRANCE too (truly from there; unlike the Inspector!) which is this one:
Cette pimbèche toute si typiquement Française se prenait pour une Annie Lennox Parisienne... et "Desireless" voulait être le Eurythmics francophone, ma foi!
Here - have another:
Now - enough time wasted I say!