Late Night's Lethargy...
... is also Yahoo's lethargy, coincidentally and amazingly enough!
They do deserve each other, truth be told. And, besides, if you're in any kind of a deep, deep lethargy yourself, you're probably in your pajamas overindulging in both of those every other night too...
Imagine that: the heir apparent to The Tonight Show already has run out of material! How else to explain Jimmy Fallon's resorting to make fun of how people look on old photos, when they unfortunately had to stand next to some misbegotten future celebrity of any ilk - in this case, it's the execrable Bill Gates - ugh! To his left, a nerdier kid (or is that geekier) dubbed the Mystery Classmate, with thick glasses (Billy forgot his?) and bucktoothed beyond belief, making the pair a direct candidate for Lethargic Pair of 1966 or whatever year that was... (Yeah -I am sure these two got their kicks - plenty of them, too - back in '66...! They are only too happy to keep their revenge of the nerds going... and going... and going... And, for all of you geeks out there who buy into the crap, let me reiterate the truth: Gates is not retired! You fools: you really think he'd leave everything in the hands of that oversized goofball, Ballmer, and let him bring down to ruins all that he built, his megalomanical ''legacy'' on the line and all...! And don't forget that he still depends on it all for possible billions of bucks still to come! HA. You are not only geeky - you are delusional! How lethargic of you all... So sad. But we're digressing here again...)

Now, Nikki Boyer, of Y! ''tv'' fame (as in WHY watch this EVER...?!? WHY bother wasting our time with any of this fluff - Y...Y...Y!!! Know what I'm saying? Never mind now...) so, Nikki there simply had to jump on the opportunity to fill up another instalment of her Y! Screen thingie the easy way - it's always entirely done by others anyway and all she has to do is add her two cents' worth - quite literally too. And the video below is just that: an excerpt from the Fallon crap, followed by her, followed by the follow-up coming from the most unlikely source -an actual ''serious news'' crew; but it's fellow NBC peeps, so it can't be all that serious, really- and then some more Nikki looking rather high if you ask me...?!? Couldn't be though - couldn't be!
As a special bonus here, if the video still runs of course, you'll get a tiny wee bit of an idea of what nonsense good ol' Kathie Lee is spouting out these days, flanked by her new airwaves buddy... Hoda? Did I get that right - Hoda? Kathie Lee & Hoda - wow. Lesbians (our usual lethargicons here, on the lethargic blog!) must be elated to be able to watch such a dream couple on a daily basis... Sure beats the black guy who replaced Regis and the chick that replaced Kathie Lee over at the other place there...!
One hopes that the commercial that runs just before this crap is the one for
Not only is it for a good cause (teaching the brats basics they sorely need in order to avoid any future acute lethargy...) the animation used is so gooooood - the little animé girly so cuuuuuuute... right out of a Cartoon Network-produced, geeky, mad-scientist-wannabee show...!
It's a running gag today - or what?
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